Yesterday, everybody except dad went to Raccoon River Park to have a picnic. But almost all the roads to the park were being worked on! So we got a little lost, and we found a nice state park. It doesn't have a lot of equipment, but it does have some walking trails, and I saw my first Gray Catbird there! There was a park office there (I'm guessing since it was a state park), and we finally got to Raccoon River Park! When we were going to R.R. Park, we saw a Pileated Woodpecker! (new) They're not even in this part of Iowa! While we WERE there, I saw some canada geese, a Killdeer (new bird!), a Snow Goose? (that might not have been what it was, but it was a new bird!) And there is a building with bathrooms in it, and some Barn Swallows are building a nest on it! They must have been doing it there for years, because I went around the bathrooms, and there were other places were swallow nests had been.
This is either a poisonous Water Moccasin, or a regular water snake. None of us wanted to find out, just in case.
The nest that the Barn Swallows are working on.
Same snake. Notice how it has a fat part, maybe it just ate a frog, or it's about to lay eggs.
A previous nest for the Barn Swallows?
Probably a sparrow nest.
A sand face that mom made.